I'm not a hero's story....

I'm not a traitor's lie....

I'm not everything they say....

Lyrics from "When the World Comes Apart" by Gary Numan

//// OOC INFO ////

PLAYER INFO.   She/Her, 50+, Eastern U.S.

RP STYLE.   Freeform, multi-para, literate, mirror

RP THEMES.   Adventure/Exploration, Combat, Criminal, Supernatural, Technological, Slice-of-Life, Social

ACCEPTABLE   Flirting, minor bodily harm, dark themes

ACCEPTABLE WITH PRIOR DISCUSSION   Romance, intimate encounters, major bodily harm

NOT ACCEPTABLE   OOC Dishonesty, manipulative and/or passive-aggressive behavior, bullying, gaslighting, metagaming, and/or god-moding. OOC bigotry, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ageism. Character death. Players under 18. Explicit ERP. Excessive "purple prose". Meme characters. Excessive OOC "bleed". "Main characters". Stealing/copying others' OCs.

FORMATS   In-game, Discord

DC/SERVER   Dynamis/Halicarnassus, but will travel to any NA server

AVAILABLE TIMES   Weekdays, 4-9pm EST, Weekends 7am-11pm EST

IMPORTANT NOTES. IC =/= OOC. I am not my character and my character is not me.
Being raised in Garlean culture, Hyperia will drop the occasional slur ("half-breed, "savage", etc). She also tends to be a bit of a bitch. This has absolutely zero bearing on who I am as a person. If you cannot discern fictional RP from reality, then walk on.
If an issue arises, please communicate it to me ASAP. I can't try to fix something if I'm not made aware of it. Also make sure to let me know if you need a break, if something's not clicking or if there's something you wish to explore. Ghosting me without the most basic courtesy of communication will result in being blacklisted from any further interactions with me/my OCs.I do best in one-on-one and small group RP. Large gatherings tend to overwhelm me and I end up not writing at my best...or at all. In venue settings, I prefer to interact with those I'm directly RPing with in party chat or tells whenever possible. During art parties and other mostly-OOC events, I'll usually be OOC myself. But if you wish to RP, then please feel free to shoot me a tell and let me know!I am an avid GPoser and love taking shots of scenes with RP partners, so if you don't mind, I'll definitely be doing so!Hyperia is MY OC and is not available for use in any RP/collab without my knowledge and permission. If you see her being used/mentioned anywhere by anyone else but me, or if you're unsure, please let me know through any of the contact methods below.


I'm not here to save you
I'm not your confessor
My sins alone could wake the dead

//// STATS ////

NAME : Hyperia kir Quinntus.AGE: 36.D.O.B:16th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon.ETHNICITY: Half-Garlean, Half-HighlanderGENDER.: FemaleSEXUALITY: HeterosexualLANGUAGES: Garlean, Eorzean Common, Allagan (written only).PROFESSION: Owner and Lead Engineer of Novos Prospectus.RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Married to Sanji Kamakura

I have no forgiveness....

HEIGHT: 5'8".BUILD: Toned.HAIR COLOR: Dark Auburn/Black.EYE COLOR: Left: Black, Right: Gold.SKIN TONE: Bronze.SCARS: Extensive third-degree burn scarring across her entire back. Single gash bisecting her right eye. Faint small scar on her left cheek. Various bullet, knife and...horn scars.MARKINGS: Abstract tattoo on right cheek (Those of Ala Mhigan origin might recognize it as a tribal symbol for "traitor")
Left arm covered in a dense swirling pattern of faintly-glowing crimson and black


I have a heart of stone....

WEAPON PROFICIENCIES : Gunblade (Garlean), Firearms, Hand-to-Hand, Katana.MAGITEK BITS : Hyperia employs an array of customized bits of her own design for both combat and support purposes.OTHER SKILLS/ABILITIES : Hyperia is an extremely-talented engineer, specializing in magitek and Allagan tech, but able to work with aetherotech as well.
She is also a dedicated scholar of Allagan technology and history.
She has a very keen perception towards picking out flaws in mechanical constructs. While she does not possess the Garlean third eye, she does have enhanced spatial awareness, just not on par with a pureblooded Garlean.


Hyperia can be reserved, even seeming cold and aloof at first until she knows a person can be trusted. In most social settings, she tends to remain silent and merely listen unless she feels she has something meaningful to contribute. However, once that reserve has dropped, she has no problem with speaking her mind, even to the point of bluntness.She is fiercely loyal to those she cares for, but has no tolerance for dishonesty or hypocrisy.Growing up in the cutthroat environment of the Garlean capital as mixed blood, she despises weakness in both herself and others. She does not handle failure well and tends to dwell on mistakes.She has a deep, abiding love of technology, both ancient and modern, and anyone able to discuss it with her in an intelligent manner will find her opening up to them a bit more readily.She possesses a highly analytical mind and tends to have issues with processing strong emotional responses, both in herself and others. She has a very difficult time navigating interpersonal relationships and can become easily frustrated when people do not behave in what she feels is a logical fashion.

ALIGNMENT : True Neutral (with Lawful Neutral and Neutral Evil tendencies).
LIKES : Technology, a good cup of coffee, self-confidence, honesty (even if it's brutal), the adrenaline rush of combat, intelligent conversation.
DISLIKES : Overly-spicy food, small talk, idle gossip, the weak-willed, blatant stupidity, willful ignorance, dishonesty.

I am a lesson born of greed....

Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Religious / Agnostic / Atheist
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Patient / In Between / Impatient

by  / / / / :    @SOMRESOURCES.

//// HOOKS ////

Vita Imperatoria

Hyperia was born and raised in Garlemald, and the Quinntus family was fairly prominent in the social circles of the capital city, though looked down upon as well for her father's love for his non-Garlean wife and their mixed-blood daughter. Did your Garlean character perhaps know them, or hear about them?

Military Service

Hyperia served in the Imperial army for over a decade, her posts ranging from Castrum Novum (a.k.a Castrum Centri) in Mor Dhona, to Carteneau, to Ala Mhigo, and finally to Castrum Meridianum in Thanalan. Imperial officers and conscripts alike may have known her or even served alongside her.

Magitek Engineer

Hyperia attended the Magitek Academy in Garlemald, graduating at the top of her class. Her service to the Imperial army only served to hone those skills even further. Do you need someone skilled in magitek engineering? She's your gal.

Allagan Scholar

Hyperia holds a strong fascination with Allagan technology, so she may be often found exploring their ruins and/or studying their history. Need someone who can tell you all about that tomestone you found or the history of an ancient ruin? She could probably help.

Sinister Projects

As one of the former lead engineers on the Ultima Weapon and Resonant projects, she is intimately familiar with the design and inner workings of Garlean and Allagan technology. Need information on them? She could probably tell you.

Adventuring Days

After fleeing the destruction of the Praetorium, Hyperia and Sanji made their way across Eorzea towards Hyperia's other homeland, Ala Mhigo. On the way, they earned gil by aiding those in need and scavenging valuable items from ruins and other places of interest.

I am what you made of me....

Wanted Dead or Alive

WANTED by the Garlean Empire for: Desertion, Sabotage, and Treason. WANTED by the Eorzean Alliance for War Crimes, including Contributing to the Activation of the Ultima Weapon and Involvement in the Resonance Project.
Due to the current state of Garlemald and her cooperation with Alliance forces, all bounties have been rescinded. However, she could still be potentially recognized from when they were still active. Or perhaps an individual or group might have their own bounty out for her?

Lost to the Screams

While Hyperia and her family fled the chaos in the capital, hoping to find refuge across the border in Ala Mhigo, the first tempering wave from Anima was sent out. While her parents were safely ensconced at Laternum, the subtle resonance from the radio shielding them from its effects, Hyperia was caught up in it while foraging for food.
Upon her return, she killed her mother in a mindless fury, but was subdued by her father who managed to keep her restrained while he tried to figure out a cure.
After the Ilsabard Contingent's arrival, Hyperia was eventually cured, but she still bears the scars...both emotional and physical...of her experience to this day.

Novos Prospectus

With the gil earned from her mercenary work (as well as a generous donation from her rich uncle in Ala Mhigo), Hyperia has found new purpose among the ruins of Garlemald, aiding in its restoration.
In partnership with Ironworks and Skysteel, Novos Prospectum is set up to supply the various factions rebuilding her homeland.

Tuliyollal and Beyond

While on their honeymoon vacation to Tural, the discovery of a strange new technology spurred Hyperia to establish an outpost devoted to its study. One can usually find her exploring Solution 9 and the surrounding area, or taking a brief respite back in the city.

by  / / / / :    @SOMRESOURCES.

//// RELATIONS ////

[ *Amasandji "Sanji" Kamakura (Oronir).

Born and raised in the warrior culture of the Oronir tribe, Sanji always felt out-of-place. When he wasn't enjoying cooking lessons with Esugan, his mind wandered to what lay beyond the horizon. Upon reaching adulthood, he began a "pilgrimage" across the Steppe and beyond to Doma, where he fell in with members of the Doman resistance.
However, during an Imperial raid on a resistance gathering, Sanji was captured and conscripted into service for the Garlean Empire then shipped to the west to serve under the XIVth Legion as a healer and cook.
After the destruction of the Praetorium, he came across a badly-wounded Hyperia, with whom he previously had limited, but mostly-civil interactions. After dragging her to safety, he stayed at her side until she was healed...and beyond as they traveled together through Eorzea. However, their tentative relationship fractured when Hyperia attempted to murder the Warrior of Light. It was not until Sanji later accompanied the Ilsabard Contingent into Garlemald, that they were reunited and slowly began building trust together again. Trust that bloomed into friendship and eventually much more until they chose to build a life together.


[ *Khaishan Oshidari.

This quiet, brooding Raen speaks little of himself and even less of his past. During Sanji's stay in Doma, he and Khaishan became fast friends until one fateful night when their gathering place was raided by Garleans due to Khaishan's leadership of the Doman resistance in the area. Sanji was captured and Khaishan wounded near death. Eventually Khaishan recovered and continued his fight against the Empire until Doma was finally free. When Sanji headed back east East after Doma's liberation, they were eventually reunited and Khaishan joined Sanji in his adventures, including to Garlemald, where he first encountered Hyperia. Despite Khaishan's initial misgivings about Hyperia's past with the Empire, she gradually gained his respect and friendship.
Now, he eagerly accompanies the pair on their many adventures, serving as the muscle and the shield for the group.


[ *Jaya Oronir.

The youngest of Sanji's siblings, Jaya grew up with the expectation that she would be the warrior Sanji never was. Surprisingly, she fell into the role easily, but solely for the purpose of shielding her brother from the torments of the the rest of her family. After Sanji chose to leave the Steppe behind, Jaya followed in his footsteps a few years later, making her way to Kugane where she joined up with Khaishan in his fight to reclaim Doma. Eventually they were both reunited with Sanji and accompanied him to Garlemald where she first met Hyperia.
The spunky young Xaela brings a sense of uninhibited fun to the group and is more than willing to drag them out on bar crawls, shopping trips, or whatever she's in the mood for as often as possible. She also has no qualms about grabbing any of the males of the group by the scruff and pounding some sense into them, when needed.


[ *Viraj Acharya.

Alchemist, envoy, nobleman...Viraj was sent to Eorzea shortly after the events of the Final Days as an emissary from The Great Work of Thavnair to exchange alchemical knowledge, as well as learn more about the culture. The youngest of the Acharya siblings, he is both a talented alchemist as well as something of a playboy. Between his visits to the local Alchemists' Guilds, he enjoys participating in the "cultural exchange" found in Eorzea's more upscale venues.
As part of his collaberation with Eorzea, he was sent with the Ilsabard Contingent to Garlemald, where he first met the Hyperia and the rest of the crew. He became intrigued at the possibilities of mixing alchemy and technology and currently works with the group as their resident potion (and poison) brewer, while expanding his knowledge of magitek at Hyperia's side.


[ *Stalya (bas) Lentyasch.

Born amidst the slums of Bojza, Stalya's early life consisted mainly of avoiding her alcoholic father and scavenging what she could trade to keep food on their table. This worked for a time, until her father's debts caught up with him and he sold his only daughter into the service of the Garlean Empire. Proving a quick study with repairing magitek, she managed to find an unexpected home in their ranks. Eventually, she was sent to the XIVth in Ala Mhigo where she discovered a talent in bartending during her off hours. Serving in a tavern catering to the occupying Imperials, she met Hyperia and they became fast friends. However, with the fall of Ala Mhigo to the Eorzeans, they parted ways, with Stalya venturing into Eorzea while Hyperia made her way back home to Garlemald. Once Garlemald began the restoration process, she decided to reunite with Hyperia and joined the rebuilding process by providing the crews with strong drink and entertaining conversation.

by  / / / / :    @SOMRESOURCES.